34. XXXIV. SELF-SURPASSING. (continued)
Verily, I say unto you: good and evil which would be everlasting--it doth
not exist! Of its own accord must it ever surpass itself anew.
With your values and formulae of good and evil, ye exercise power, ye
valuing ones: and that is your secret love, and the sparkling, trembling,
and overflowing of your souls.
But a stronger power groweth out of your values, and a new surpassing: by
it breaketh egg and egg-shell.
And he who hath to be a creator in good and evil--verily, he hath first to
be a destroyer, and break values in pieces.
Thus doth the greatest evil pertain to the greatest good: that, however,
is the creating good.--
Let us SPEAK thereof, ye wisest ones, even though it be bad. To be silent
is worse; all suppressed truths become poisonous.
And let everything break up which--can break up by our truths! Many a
house is still to be built!--
Thus spake Zarathustra.