Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate

15. CHAPTER XV: EVIL WORDS (continued)

'I believe I'll put it off till another day,' she said.

'Why so? You don't think that anything really important to you will not be important to me also?'

'I'm sure of that, but somehow'

'You mean to say that I have ruffled you?'

'Well perhaps; a little.'

'Then be unruffled again, like my own dear, honest Clara. I have been ruffled too, but I'll be as tranquil now as a drawing-room cat.' Then Mrs Askerton got up from her chair, and seated herself by Clara's side on the sofa. 'Come; you can't go till you've told me; and if you hesitate, I shall think that you mean to quarrel With me.'

'I'll come to you tomorrow.'

'No, no; you shall tell me today. All tomorrow you'll be preparing for your cousin.'

'What nonsense!'

'Or else you'll come prepared to vindicate him, and then we shan't get on any further. Tell me what it is today. You can't leave me in curiosity after what you have said.'

'You've heard of Captain Aylmer, I think.'

'Of course I've heard of him.'

'But you've never seen him?'

'You know I never have.'

'I told you that he was at Perivale when Mrs Winterfield died.'

'And now he has proposed, and you are going to accept him? That will indeed be important. Is it so? say. But don't I know it is so? Why don't you speak?'

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