Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate


'I can't do that, for I shall go down by the mail train.'

'I never saw such a fellow in my life. What good will that do? It is quite right that you should be there in time for the funeral; but I don't suppose he will he buried before this day week.'

But Belton had never thought about the funeral. When he had spoken to his sister of saying but a few words to Clara and then returning, he had forgotten that there would be any such ceremony, or that he would be delayed by any such necessity.

'I was not thinking about the funeral,' said Belton. 'You'll only find yourself uncomfortable there.'

'Of course I shall be uncomfortable.'

'You can't do anything about the property, you know.'

'What do you mean by doing anything?' said Belton, in an angry tone.

'You can't very well take possession of the place, at any rate, till after the funeral. It would not be considered the proper thing to do.'

'You think, then, that I'm a bird of prey, smelling the feast from afar off, and hurrying at the dead man's carcase as soon as the breath is out of his body?'

'I don't think anything of the kind, my dear fellow.'

'Yes, you do, or you wouldn't talk to me about doing the proper thing! I don't care a straw about the proper thing! If I find that there's anything to be done tomorrow that can be of any use, I shall do it, though all Somersetshire should think it improper! But I'm not going to look after my own interests!'

'Take off your coat and sit down, Will, and don't look angry at me. I know that you're not greedy, well enough. Tell me what you are going to do, and let me see if I can help you.'

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