Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate


'And you think this is best?' he said. His voice was hardly like his own as he spoke. There was wanting to it that tone of self-assurance which his voice almost always possessed, even when self- assurance was lacking to his words.

'I thought it was your own advice,' she said.

'Well yes; that is, I don't quite know. You couldn't go for a week or so yet, I suppose.'

'Perhaps in about a week.'

'And what will you do till then.?'

'What will I do!'

'Yes where do you mean to stay?'

'I thought, Will, that perhaps you would let me remain here.'

'Let you! Oh, heavens! Look here, Clara.'

'Before heaven I want what may be the best for you without thinking of you, if I could only help it.'

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