This is complementary to the first three verses of par. 2.
Par. 10.
So far, this is perhaps the most important paragraph. It is a protest
against reading a moral order of things in life. "Life is something
essentially immoral!" Nietzsche tells us in the introduction to the "Birth
of Tragedy". Even to call life "activity," or to define it further as "the
continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations," as
Spencer has it, Nietzsche characterises as a "democratic idiosyncracy." He
says to define it in this way, "is to mistake the true nature and function
of life, which is Will to Power...Life is ESSENTIALLY appropriation,
injury, conquest of the strange and weak, suppression, severity, obtrusion
of its own forms, incorporation and at least, putting it mildest,
exploitation." Adaptation is merely a secondary activity, a mere re-activity
(see Note on Chapter LVII.).
Pars. 11, 12.
These deal with Nietzsche's principle of the desirability of rearing a
select race. The biological and historical grounds for his insistence upon
this principle are, of course, manifold. Gobineau in his great work,
"L'Inegalite des Races Humaines", lays strong emphasis upon the evils which
arise from promiscuous and inter-social marriages. He alone would suffice
to carry Nietzsche's point against all those who are opposed to the other
conditions, to the conditions which would have saved Rome, which have
maintained the strength of the Jewish race, and which are strictly
maintained by every breeder of animals throughout the world. Darwin in his
remarks relative to the degeneration of CULTIVATED types of animals through
the action of promiscuous breeding, brings Gobineau support from the realm
of biology.
The last two verses of par. 12 were discussed in the Notes on Chapters
Par. 13.
This, like the first part of "The Soothsayer", is obviously a reference to
the Schopenhauerian Pessimism.
Pars. 14, 15, 16, 17.
These are supplementary to the discourse "Backworld's-men".
Par. 18.