The Magician is of course an artist, and Nietzsche's intimate knowledge of
perhaps the greatest artist of his age rendered the selection of Wagner, as
the type in this discourse, almost inevitable. Most readers will be
acquainted with the facts relating to Nietzsche's and Wagner's friendship
and ultimate separation. As a boy and a youth Nietzsche had shown such a
remarkable gift for music that it had been a question at one time whether
he should not perhaps give up everything else in order to develop this
gift, but he became a scholar notwithstanding, although he never entirely
gave up composing, and playing the piano. While still in his teens, he
became acquainted with Wagner's music and grew passionately fond of it.
Long before he met Wagner he must have idealised him in his mind to an
extent which only a profoundly artistic nature could have been capable of.
Nietzsche always had high ideals for humanity. If one were asked whether,
throughout his many changes, there was yet one aim, one direction, and one
hope to which he held fast, one would be forced to reply in the affirmative
and declare that aim, direction, and hope to have been "the elevation of
the type man." Now, when Nietzsche met Wagner he was actually casting
about for an incarnation of his dreams for the German people, and we have
only to remember his youth (he was twenty-one when he was introduced to
Wagner), his love of Wagner's music, and the undoubted power of the great
musician's personality, in order to realise how very uncritical his
attitude must have been in the first flood of his enthusiasm. Again, when
the friendship ripened, we cannot well imagine Nietzsche, the younger man,
being anything less than intoxicated by his senior's attention and love,
and we are therefore not surprised to find him pressing Wagner forward as
the great Reformer and Saviour of mankind. "Wagner in Bayreuth" (English
Edition, 1909) gives us the best proof of Nietzsche's infatuation, and
although signs are not wanting in this essay which show how clearly and
even cruelly he was sub-consciously "taking stock" of his friend--even
then, the work is a record of what great love and admiration can do in the
way of endowing the object of one's affection with all the qualities and
ideals that a fertile imagination can conceive.