Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate


When Clara was quite sure that Captain Aylmer was off the premises, she, too, descended, but she did not immediately leave the house. She walked through the room, and rang for the old woman, and gave certain directions as to the performance of which she certainly was not very anxious, and was careful to make Mrs Bunce understand that nothing had occurred between her and the gentleman that was either exalting or depressing in its nature. 'I suppose Captain Aylmer went out, Mrs Bunce?' 'Oh yes, miss, a went out. I stood and see'd un from the top of the kitchen stairs.' 'You might have opened the door for him, Mrs Bunce.' 'Indeed then I never thought of it, miss, seeing the house so empty and the like.' Clara said that it did not signify; and then, after an hour of composure, she walked back across the park to the cottage.

'Well?' said Mrs Askerton as soon as Clara was inside the drawing-room.

'Well,' replied Clara.

'What have you got to tell? Do tell me what you have to tell.'

'I have nothing to tell.'

'Clara, that is impossible. Have you seen him? I know you have seen him, because he went by from the house about an hour since.'

'Oh yes; I have seen him.'

'And what have you said to him?'

'Pray do not ask me these questions just now. I have got to think of it all to think what he did say and what I said.'

'But you will tell me.'

'Yes; I suppose so.' Then Mrs Askerton was silent on the subject for the remainder of the day, allowing Clara even to go to bed without another question. And nothing was asked on the following morning nothing till the usual time for the writing of letters.

'Shall you have anything for the post?' said Mrs Askerton.

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