4. MORPHOLOGY. (continued)
The explanation is to a large extent simple, on the theory of the selection
of successive slight modifications, each being profitable in some way to
the modified form, but often affecting by correlation other parts of the
organisation. In changes of this nature, there will be little or no
tendency to alter the original pattern, or to transpose the parts. The
bones of a limb might be shortened and flattened to any extent, becoming at
the same time enveloped in thick membrane, so as to serve as a fin; or a
webbed hand might have all its bones, or certain bones, lengthened to any
extent, with the membrane connecting them increased, so as to serve as a
wing; yet all these modifications would not tend to alter the framework of
the bones or the relative connexion of the parts. If we suppose that an
early progenitor--the archetype, as it may be called--of all mammals, birds
and reptiles, had its limbs constructed on the existing general pattern,
for whatever purpose they served, we can at once perceive the plain
signification of the homologous construction of the limbs throughout the
class. So with the mouths of insects, we have only to suppose that their
common progenitor had an upper lip, mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae,
these parts being perhaps very simple in form; and then natural selection
will account for the infinite diversity in structure and function of the
mouths of insects. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that the general
pattern of an organ might become so much obscured as to be finally lost, by
the reduction and ultimately by the complete abortion of certain parts, by
the fusion of other parts, and by the doubling or multiplication of others,
variations which we know to be within the limits of possibility. In the
paddles of the gigantic extinct sea-lizards, and in the mouths of certain
suctorial crustaceans, the general pattern seems thus to have become
partially obscured.
There is another and equally curious branch of our subject; namely, serial
homologies, or the comparison of the different parts or organs in the same
individual, and not of the same parts or organs in different members of the
same class. Most physiologists believe that the bones of the skull are
homologous--that is, correspond in number and in relative connexion--with
the elemental parts of a certain number of vertebrae. The anterior and
posterior limbs in all the higher vertebrate classes are plainly
homologous. So it is with the wonderfully complex jaws and legs of
crustaceans. It is familiar to almost every one, that in a flower the
relative position of the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils, as well as
their intimate structure, are intelligible on the view that they consist of
metamorphosed leaves, arranged in a spire. In monstrous plants, we often
get direct evidence of the possibility of one organ being transformed into
another; and we can actually see, during the early or embryonic stages of
development in flowers, as well as in crustaceans and many other animals,
that organs, which when mature become extremely different are at first
exactly alike.