Kenneth Grahame: The Wind in the Willows

4. MR. BADGER (continued)

`Weren't you at all--er--nervous?' asked the Mole, some of yesterday's terror coming back to him at the mention of the Wild Wood.

`Nervous?' The Otter showed a gleaming set of strong white teeth as he laughed. `I'd give 'em nerves if any of them tried anything on with me. Here, Mole, fry me some slices of ham, like the good little chap you are. I'm frightfully hungry, and I've got any amount to say to Ratty here. Haven't seen him for an age.'

So the good-natured Mole, having cut some slices of ham, set the hedgehogs to fry it, and returned to his own breakfast, while the Otter and the Rat, their heads together, eagerly talked river- shop, which is long shop and talk that is endless, running on like the babbling river itself.

A plate of fried ham had just been cleared and sent back for more, when the Badger entered, yawning and rubbing his eyes, and greeted them all in his quiet, simple way, with kind enquiries for every one. `It must be getting on for luncheon time,' he remarked to the Otter. `Better stop and have it with us. You must be hungry, this cold morning.'

`Rather!' replied the Otter, winking at the Mole. `The sight of these greedy young hedgehogs stuffing themselves with fried ham makes me feel positively famished.'

The hedgehogs, who were just beginning to feel hungry again after their porridge, and after working so hard at their frying, looked timidly up at Mr. Badger, but were too shy to say anything.

`Here, you two youngsters be off home to your mother,' said the Badger kindly. `I'll send some one with you to show you the way. You won't want any dinner to-day, I'll be bound.'

He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head, and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks.

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