MAMMALIA.--The highest class of animals, including the ordinary hairy
quadrupeds, the whales and man, and characterised by the production of
living young which are nourished after birth by milk from the teats
(MAMMAE, MAMMARY GLANDS) of the mother. A striking difference in embryonic
development has led to the division of this class into two great groups; in
one of these, when the embryo has attained a certain stage, a vascular
connection, called the PLACENTA, is formed between the embryo and the
mother; in the other this is wanting, and the young are produced in a very
incomplete state. The former, including the greater part of the class, are
called PLACENTAL MAMMALS; the latter, or APLACENTAL MAMMALS, include the
Marsupials and Monotremes (ORNITHORHYNCHUS).
MAMMIFEROUS.--Having mammae or teats (see MAMMALIA).
MANDIBLES.--in insects, the first or uppermost pair of jaws, which are
generally solid, horny, biting organs. In birds the term is applied to
both jaws with their horny coverings. In quadrupeds the mandible is
properly the lower jaw.
MARSUPIALS.--An order of Mammalia in which the young are born in a very
incomplete state of development, and carried by the mother, while sucking,
in a ventral pouch (marsupium), such as the kangaroos, opossums, etc. (see
MAXILLAE.--in insects, the second or lower pair of jaws, which are composed
of several joints and furnished with peculiar jointed appendages called
palpi, or feelers.
MELANISM.--The opposite of albinism; an undue development of colouring
material in the skin and its appendages.
METAMORPHIC ROCKS.--Sedimentary rocks which have undergone alteration,
generally by the action of heat, subsequently to their deposition and
MOLLUSCA.--One of the great divisions of the animal kingdom, including
those animals which have a soft body, usually furnished with a shell, and
in which the nervous ganglia, or centres, present no definite general
arrangement. They are generally known under the denomination of
"shellfish"; the cuttle-fish, and the common snails, whelks, oysters,
mussels, and cockles, may serve as examples of them.