MONOCOTYLEDONS, or MONOCOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS.--Plants in which the seed sends
up only a single seed-leaf (or cotyledon); characterised by the absence of
consecutive layers of wood in the stem (endogenous growth), by the veins of
the leaves being generally straight, and by the parts of the flowers being
generally in multiples of three. (Examples, grasses, lilies, orchids,
palms, etc.)
MORAINES.--The accumulations of fragments of rock brought down by glaciers.
MORPHOLOGY.--The law of form or structure independent of function.
MYSIS-STAGE.--A stage in the development of certain crustaceans (prawns),
in which they closely resemble the adults of a genus (Mysis) belonging to a
slightly lower group.
NASCENT.--Commencing development.
NATATORY.--Adapted for the purpose of swimming.
NAUPLIUS-FORM.--The earliest stage in the development of many Crustacea,
especially belonging to the lower groups. In this stage the animal has a
short body, with indistinct indications of a division into segments, and
three pairs of fringed limbs. This form of the common fresh-water CYCLOPS
was described as a distinct genus under the name of NAUPLIUS.
NEURATION.--The arrangement of the veins or nervures in the wings of
NEUTERS.--Imperfectly developed females of certain social insects (such as
ants and bees), which perform all the labours of the community. Hence,
they are also called WORKERS.
NICTITATING MEMBRANE.--A semi-transparent membrane, which can be drawn
across the eye in birds and reptiles, either to moderate the effects of a
strong light or to sweep particles of dust, etc., from the surface of the
OCELLI.--The simple eyes or stemmata of insects, usually situated on the
crown of the head between the great compound eyes.
OESOPHAGUS.--The gullet.
OOLITIC.--A great series of secondary rocks, so called from the texture of
some of its members, which appear to be made up of a mass of small EGG-LIKE
calcareous bodies.