Part II
Chapter 31: A Humbug
"Your horse has got the `thrush', and badly, too; his feet are very tender;
it is fortunate that he has not been down. I wonder your groom has not
seen to it before. This is the sort of thing we find in foul stables,
where the litter is never properly cleaned out. If you will
send him here to-morrow I will attend to the hoof, and I will direct your man
how to apply the liniment which I will give him."
The next day I had my feet thoroughly cleansed and stuffed with tow
soaked in some strong lotion; and an unpleasant business it was.
The farrier ordered all the litter to be taken out of my box day by day,
and the floor kept very clean. Then I was to have bran mashes,
a little green food, and not so much corn, till my feet were well again.
With this treatment I soon regained my spirits; but Mr. Barry was
so much disgusted at being twice deceived by his grooms that he determined
to give up keeping a horse, and to hire when he wanted one.
I was therefore kept till my feet were quite sound, and was then sold again.