Part I
Chapter 21: The Parting
When we reached the railway station I think mistress walked from the carriage
to the waiting-room. I heard her say in her own sweet voice, "Good-by, John.
God bless you." I felt the rein twitch, but John made no answer;
perhaps he could not speak. As soon as Joe had taken the things
out of the carriage John called him to stand by the horses,
while he went on the platform. Poor Joe! he stood close up to our heads
to hide his tears. Very soon the train came puffing up into the station;
then two or three minutes, and the doors were slammed to, the guard whistled,
and the train glided away, leaving behind it only clouds of white smoke
and some very heavy hearts.
When it was quite out of sight John came back.
"We shall never see her again," he said -- "never." He took the reins,
mounted the box, and with Joe drove slowly home; but it was not our home now.