"He's been to look at the flat," said the elder workman, coming
"Which flat?"
"Where we are at work. 'Why have you washed away the blood?' says he.
'There has been a murder here,' says he, 'and I've come to take it.'
And he began ringing at the bell, all but broke it. 'Come to the
police station,' says he. 'I'll tell you everything there.' He
wouldn't leave us."
The porter looked at Raskolnikov, frowning and perplexed.
"Who are you?" he shouted as impressively as he could.
"I am Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov, formerly a student, I live in
Shil's house, not far from here, flat Number 14, ask the porter, he
knows me." Raskolnikov said all this in a lazy, dreamy voice, not
turning round, but looking intently into the darkening street.
"Why have you been to the flat?"
"To look at it."
"What is there to look at?"
"Take him straight to the police station," the man in the long coat
jerked in abruptly.
Raskolnikov looked intently at him over his shoulder and said in the
same slow, lazy tones:
"Come along."
"Yes, take him," the man went on more confidently. "Why was he going
into /that/, what's in his mind, eh?"
"He's not drunk, but God knows what's the matter with him," muttered
the workman.
"But what do you want?" the porter shouted again, beginning to get
angry in earnest--"Why are you hanging about?"
"You funk the police station then?" said Raskolnikov jeeringly.