There came a tremendous howl, in which were mingled
all tongues, all dialects, all accents. The death of the poor
scholar imparted a furious ardor to that crowd. It was seized
with shame, and the wrath of having been held so long in
check before a church by a hunchback. Rage found ladders,
multiplied the torches, and, at the expiration of a few minutes,
Quasimodo, in despair, beheld that terrible ant heap mount on
all sides to the assault of Notre-Dame. Those who had no
ladders had knotted ropes; those who had no ropes climbed
by the projections of the carvings. They hung from each
other's rags. There were no means of resisting that rising
tide of frightful faces; rage made these fierce countenances
ruddy; their clayey brows were dripping with sweat; their
eyes darted lightnings; all these grimaces, all these horrors
laid siege to Quasimodo. One would have said that some
other church had despatched to the assault of Notre-Dame its
gorgons, its dogs, its drées, its demons, its most fantastic
sculptures. It was like a layer of living monsters on the
stone monsters of the façade.
Meanwhile, the Place was studded with a thousand torches.
This scene of confusion, till now hid in darkness, was
suddenly flooded with light. The parvis was resplendent, and
cast a radiance on the sky; the bonfire lighted on the lofty
platform was still burning, and illuminated the city far away.
The enormous silhouette of the two towers, projected afar on
the roofs of Paris, and formed a large notch of black in this
light. The city seemed to be aroused. Alarm bells wailed in
the distance. The vagabonds howled, panted, swore, climbed;
and Quasimodo, powerless against so many enemies, shuddering
for the gypsy, beholding the furious faces approaching
ever nearer and nearer to his gallery, entreated heaven
for a miracle, and wrung his arms in despair.