Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Lost World

Chapter 16: "A Procession! A Procession!" (continued)

"DR. ILLINGWORTH (rising): `Our point is that such a collection might have been made in other places than a prehistoric plateau.' (Applause.)

"PROFESSOR CHALLENGER: `No doubt, sir, we have to bow to your scientific authority, although I must admit that the name is unfamiliar. Passing, then, both the photographs and the entomological collection, I come to the varied and accurate information which we bring with us upon points which have never before been elucidated. For example, upon the domestic habits of the pterodactyl--`(A voice: `Bosh,' and uproar)--`I say, that upon the domestic habits of the pterodactyl we can throw a flood of light. I can exhibit to you from my portfolio a picture of that creature taken from life which would convince you----'

"DR. ILLINGWORTH: `No picture could convince us of anything.'

"PROFESSOR CHALLENGER: `You would require to see the thing itself?'

"DR. ILLINGWORTH: `Undoubtedly.'

"PROFESSOR CHALLENGER: `And you would accept that?'

"DR. ILLINGWORTH (laughing): `Beyond a doubt.'

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