Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate

15. CHAPTER XV: EVIL WORDS (continued)

'And am I to understand that you are determined to quarrel with my Cousin Will?'

'Quarrel with him! I don't suppose that I shall see him. After what I have said it is not probable that you will bring him here, and the servant will have orders to say that I am not at home if be should call. Luckily he and Colonel Askerton did not meet when he was here before.'

'This is the most strange thing I ever heard in my life.'

'You will understand it better, my dear, when he makes his communication to you.'

'What communication?'

'You'll find that he'll have a communication to make. He has been so diligent and so sharp that he'll have a great deal to tell, I do not doubt. Only, remember, Clara, that if anything that he tells you makes any difference in your feelings towards me, I shall expect you to come to me and say so openly. If he makes his statement, let me make mine. I have a right to ask for that, after what I have promised.'

'You may be sure that I will.'

'I want nothing more. I have no distrust in you none in the least. I tell you that I believe in you. If you will do that, and will keep Mr William Belton out of my way during his visit to these parts, I shall be satisfied.' For some time past Mrs Askerton had been walking about the room, but, as she now finished speaking, she sat herself down as though the subject was fully discussed and completed. For a minute or two she made an effort to resume her usual tranquillity of manner, and in doing so attempted to smile, as though ridiculing her own energy. 'I knew I should make a fool of myself when you came,' she said; and now I have done it.'

'I don't think you have been a fool at all, but you may have been mistaken.'

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