Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate

15. CHAPTER XV: EVIL WORDS (continued)

'Yes, my dear; all proper young ladies like you do hate it. But I observe that such girls as you never offend its prejudices. You can't but know that you would have done a wicked as well as a foolish thing to marry a man without an adequate income.'

'But I needn't marry at all.'

'And what would you live on then? Come Clara, we needn't quarrel about that. I've no doubt he's charming, and beautiful, and'

'He isn't beautiful at all; and as for charming'

'He has charmed you at any rate.'

'He has made me believe that I can trust him without doubt, and love him without fear.'

'An excellent man! And the income will be an additional comfort; you'll allow that?'

'I'll allow nothing.'

'And when is it to be?'

'Oh perhaps in six or seven years.'


'Perhaps sooner; but there's been no word said about time.'

'Is not Mr Amedroz delighted?'

'Not a bit. He quite scolded me when I told him.'

'Why what did he want?'

'You know papa.'

'I know he scolds at everything, but I shouldn't have thought he would have scolded at that. And when does he come here?'

'Who come here?'

'Captain Aylmer.'

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