Anthony Trollope: The Belton Estate

15. CHAPTER XV: EVIL WORDS (continued)

'Very well, my dear, we shall see. It's very odd what a dislike I took to that man the first time I saw him.'

'And I am so fond of him!'

'Yes; he has cozened you as he has your father. I am only glad that he did not succeed in cozening you further than he did. But I ought to have known you bettor than to suppose you could give your heart of hearts to one who is'

'Do not abuse him any more.'

'Who is so very unlike the sort of people with whom you have lived. I may, at any rate, say that.'

'I don't know that. I haven't lived much with any one yet except papa, and my aunt, and you.'

'But you know a gentleman when you see him.'

'Come, Mrs Askerton, I will not stand this. I thought you had done with the subject, and now you begin again. I had come here on purpose to tell you something of real importance that is, to me; but I must go away without telling you, unless you will give over abusing my cousin.'

'I will not say a word more about him not at present.'

'I feel so sure that you are mistaken, you know.'

'Very well and I feel sure that you are mistaken. We will leave it so, and go to this matter of importance.' But Clara felt it to be very difficult to tell her tidings after such a conversation as that which had just occurred. When she had entered the room her mind had been tuned to the subject, and she could have found fitting words without much difficulty to herself; but now her thoughts had been scattered and her feelings hurt, and she did not know how to bring herself back to the subject of her engagement. She paused, therefore, and sat with a doubtful, hesitating look, meditating some mode of escape. 'I am all ears,' said Mrs Askerton; and Clara thought that she discovered something of ridicule or of sarcasm in the tone of her friend's voice.

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