H. Rider Haggard: Allan Quatermain

26. AUTHORITIES (continued)

Among the Zulus a man assumes the ring, which is made of a species of black gum twisted in with the hair, and polished a brilliant black, when he has reached a certain dignity and age, or is the husband of a sufficient number of wives. Till he is in a position to wear a ring he is looked on as a boy, though he may be thirty-five years of age, or even more. -- A. Q.}

Endnote 2

One of the fleetest of the African antelopes. -- A. Q.

Endnote 3

Alluding to the Zulu custom of opening the stomach of a dead foe. They have a superstition that, if this is not done, as the body of their enemy swells up so will the bodies of those who killed him swell up. -- A. Q.

Endnote 4

No doubt this owl was a wingless bird. I afterwards learnt that the hooting of an owl is a favourite signal among the Masai tribes. -- A. Q.

Endnote 5

Since I saw the above I have examined hundreds of these swords, but have never been able to discover how the gold plates were inlaid in the fretwork. The armourers who make them in Zu-vendis bind themselves by oath not to reveal the secret. -- A. Q.

Endnote 6

The Masai Elmoran or young warriors can own no property, so all the booty they may win in battle belongs to their fathers alone. -- A. Q.

Endnote 7

As I think I have already said, one of Umslopogaas's Zulu names was the 'Woodpecker'. I could never make out why he was called so until I saw him in action with Inkosi-kaas, when I at once recognized the resemblance. -- A. Q.

Endnote 8

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